Dragonball Evolution Movie Review

Back in 2009, someone finally thought to make a live action adaptation of Dragonball. By that of course, I mean make an action flick with special effects and slap the Dragonball name on it. Oh, it's got characters, and even some situations familiar in the series, but surely no one watching a Dragonball movie cares if it feels uniquely like Dragonba

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Jurassic World: Dominion

Jurassic World: Dominion was one of the most depressing images I've seen this year. I've been to a number of poor movies as a critic. The third film of the Jurassic World trilogy and the sixth of the Jurassic Park series as a total failed to live up to the hype that was created around it. It was clear from the start that this movie was not going to

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You are welcome! How's it going! My name is Sharron, and I am a freelance writer based out of Los Angeles. I love writing and have a passion to tell stories. I am a blogger and web content writer. I also have extensive experience in copywriting and social media management. In my spare time, you can find me hiking with my rescue dog or sipping on a

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